Ways to Get Involved

Classroom Support

Classroom Liaisons

Sign up to be a classroom liaison for the 2024/2025 school year! Duties include supporting your child's homeroom teacher, auction basket coordination, holiday/end of year gift collection and some general class/PTA assistance and correspondence.

Tuesday Treats

Help feed our awesome Teachers and Staff! Each Tuesday we need a savory or sweet treat for our favorite Carson educators.

More Ways to Help

Volunteer Coordinators

Donate your time and skills for one or more of the many PTA sponsored events throughout the year. It's time to give back to our school, teachers and students that do so much for us!

Lunch Volunteers

Supervise students during their lunch. Help with hard to open lunches, clean up, and composting.


The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) brings together families, staff and members of our community to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within a school. This crucial group helps the PTA and the school administration budget and plan for each school year. A great volunteer opportunity for those fiscally minded.