President’s Message


Hello Carson Community!

I'm excited to welcome everyone back for the 2024-2025 school year, especially Carson’s new families and staff. I’ve always believed that Carson will be what we make of it. The more parents, guardians, and staff are engaged, the better Carson will be. I encourage everyone to add their voice to our PTA.

Historically our PTA events like the Carson Disco, the Fun Run, and Field Day get families on campus and leave our students with positive memories of elementary school. We’re always looking for new ideas to make school fun and involved!

Our PTA also raises funds to allow for critical additions to the school. Last year your donations funded staffing including teacher salaries and a Social Worker to support students’ mental health. We provided classroom Sound Fields, that allow students to better hear and engage with their teachers. We purchased and facilitated recess carts stocked with balls, jump ropes, and frisbees to keep our kids moving and outside. And of course - none of this funding would be possible without our dedicated team of volunteers that plan and execute our Auction every year. I hope you will get involved this year to help us make the best use of our fundraising.

Thank you to our current PTA members and volunteers, you are the ones that make all this possible for our kids and community!  If you have any questions or would like to become involved with the PTA, please reach out to me and I’d be glad to provide more information!


Sean Fellows, PTA President